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Payment Information

We support PayPal online payment and credit card online payment, and we also support bank transfer to pay for order fees. If it is an online small order, it is recommended to use PayPal. If it is a bulk order, it is recommended to use bank transfer for payment to reduce the additional cost of payment.

If you have a gift card in your user center, you can use it to pay for some of the fees. If the user center does not have a gift card, it cannot be used to pay fees.

You can check the status of your order in your backend to determine whether the payment was successful. If your payment has been deducted but the order status shows that it has not been paid, please contact us to handle it for you.

If you are unable to complete the order payment, please contact us and we will resolve it for you as soon as possible.

Orders and Returns

For the first time using our website, simply fill in the email address to easily become our member. After becoming a member, you can place an order on the website. If you encounter any problems during the registration process, please feel free to contact us at any time.

If you need to return, Please find the order in the user center and click on return.Then return the products. Customized products will not be refundable.

You can find the corresponding order in the personal center, click on the order number to enter the order details, and then you can find the logistics information of the order in the order details.

After applying for a refund in the user center, Then send the products to the following address:
BG-001-2-2, Huanan City Street, Honggutan New District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China
When we receive the returned product, we will refund you as soon as possible.


Free Shipping

Free shipping over $100


Support 24/7

Contact us 24 hours a day


100% Money Back

You have 30 days to Return


Payment Secure

We ensure secure payment

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